I can't count the number of late Thursday afternoons over the years when I've seen Sheila Allen pushing a cart full of groceries from the parking lot past my office toward the church kitchen. She's always carting precious cargo - these are the ingredients that will be lovingly cooked up by the kitchen crew into (the literal) dinner at the creek. Why does she do it? If you ask her, she'll give you a simple answer: it's about using her gifts for God's purposes, so that they would benefit many people rather than just a few.
Today Pastor Paul is helping Sheila with the shipment. If you don't know already, Paul and Kathy Strawn are die-hard Dinner-at-the-Creekers, so I asked Paul what he looked forward to most whenever we host this community meal:
“I look forward to seeing the faces of the people who come to Dinner at the Creek. Simply put, this meal makes their week. They sit around a table in a family setting and talk with people who love them...and they know God is at the center of it all. I just love seeing those faces when it happens.”
“I look forward to seeing the faces of the people who come to Dinner at the Creek. Simply put, this meal makes their week. They sit around a table in a family setting and talk with people who love them...and they know God is at the center of it all. I just love seeing those faces when it happens.”
Dinner at the Creek provides a warm, comfortable and safe place to share a meal on the last Thursday of each month at 6:00pm. No cost or obligation, and all are welcome!
Connecting to the life & ministry of Jesus...Mark chapter 6:
Connecting to the life & ministry of Jesus...Mark chapter 6: